Welcome to the ShampooMATE

New Website ShampooMATE Who are we

Well hello there! We excited to finally come to you in our blog post on our new website. There is quite a bit going on and we felt it only fitting that we begin to share our journey of the ShampooMATE with you!

We invented this product to merely satisfy the challenges we faced during shampoo time at home. What was once a dreadful time in our home has now become a much more enjoyable experience. The ShampooMATE has removed the Shampoo Day Blues. Parents are discovering that there is FINALLY a way to shampoo their children's hair at home without causing the undue discomfort felt by both parent and childĀ during the at home shampoo process.

The ShampooMATE is making it's rounds across the country, in large part because of word of mouth from very satisfied customers. Our social media accounts are gaining followers on a daily basis. Parents are tagging and posting to our social media pages their experiences using the ShampooMATE. We can't express how excited we get when we hear or read the comments from new ShampooMATE owners. We've even adopted one moms comment and now use it as one of our hashtags #TheStruggleIsOver LOL we got a kick out of that one! The struggle is indeed OVER because the ShampooMATE has arrived!!! It's rewarding to know that we have changed the way parents shampoo their children's hair at home.

We invite you to join us on this journey. Follow us on our social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope and Pinterest all are @ShampooMATE and of course visit our page www.TheShampooMATE.com Drop us a line or two and let us know what you think; and while you're at it make sure you tell a friend about us. If you don't have children, I'm sure you know someone who has children, or know someone who knows someone with children. With your help we can end the shampoo day struggle for parents and children everywhere!

Until then have an Abundantly Blessed and POWERFUL day from our family to yours.

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